Our homes and the way our furniture is laid out can positively or negatively influence our quality of life just by how we experience our spaces. If our rooms are filled with things we love, and if pieces are arranged…
The Art of Trying: Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone
When was the last time you tried something new? I, know more than anyone that trying new things can be undoubtedly daunting. The unfamiliar and breaking out of your comfort zone is petrifying. I graduated college with no idea of…
10 Important Things to Simplify In Life
Simplicity is the name of the game here at Linen & Grace Home! Simplicity brings balance, freedom, and joy. When we begin to live simply by starting at any of these 10 points, we want to know where else we…
How Decluttering Will Change Your Life
Can you really change your life by decluttering? In a manner of speaking, yes! Changing your life is a huge undertaking. That’s why most people say that they can’t, don’t want to, or make some other excuse to continue to…
DIY Faux Fireplace Tile
I’m so excited to reveal this fireplace makeover. This is my very first DIY project and I am so proud of it! We have a red brick fireplace that was painted white by the previous homeowners but there was a…